
Back in 2009 when Isabelle Gullö co-founded C.A.R.E.4Paws, she knew there was a desperate need locally for programs that reduce pet overpopulation and intervene before animals suffer and/or end up homeless among the low-income, senior, disabled, and unhoused pet family population in town. As a volunteer at the Santa Barbara County Animal Services shelter, she’d seen firsthand the issues that happen when their owners aren’t able to properly take care of their beloved pets. The concept of C.A.R.E.4Paws was to offer an array of free or low-cost pet services and provide resources that keep pets healthy and with their families for life.
Among the nonprofit’s offerings are programs that include free spaying or neutering, assistance with veterinary care including vaccines, distribution of pet food and supplies, extra support for pet families exposed to domestic violence, and a youth education program called Paws Up For Pets. More than 7,000 families per year were receiving the services by 2019 as the organization closed the gap, largely through its well-equipped pair of mobile veterinary clinics.
But what Gullö didn’t realize was just how extensive the problem would become when the pandemic hit.
When COVID closed things down and made life even more challenging for those already living in poverty or otherwise challenged to take care of their pets, the 7,000 families C.A.R.E.4Paws was already helping ballooned to more than 20,000 by the end of 2022.

“We’re growing every year because there is such a huge need in the community,” Gullö said. “A lot of people just cannot afford going to their vets. We ended up having to run both of our mobile clinics much more often to meet the demand and it’s just so important.”
The mobile clinic units travel to regular locations where the staff is able to provide a record number of free and low-cost spay/neuter surgeries, vaccines, and other veterinary care that would likely otherwise be inaccessible to the pet owners. Indeed, the two mobile clinics altered 2,300 dogs and cats last year, an increase of 300 surgeries from 2021 and 1,000 from the pre-pandemic year 2019. There’s been a huge increase in providing low-cost veterinary care, as well, which Gullö said could include anything from dental cleanings to mass removals to basic wellness exams, flea treatments, deworming, implanting microchips, and help with skin, ear, and eye issues.
“It’s a great outreach tool that really benefits the community,” Gullö said.
Spaying and neutering doesn’t just help to prevent overpopulation through unwanted litters of puppies and kittens that often end up in shelters, it’s also beneficial for the pets themselves, Gullö said. “It helps keep them healthier because you reduce the risk of cancers and infections and there are also behavioral benefits to the pet and the family because the dogs and cats tend to calm down when they are altered. That also helps keep them in the home because they’re easier to take care of.”
To meet the ever-increasing demand that shows no signs of abating, C.A.R.E.4Paws is investing in a third mobile clinic, a brand-new, 37-foot veterinary vehicle that will vastly increase kennel capacity and the ability to carry more types of vital equipment where they’re most needed. This will allow the organization to more efficiently help additional animals over a larger geographical footprint, including San Luis Obispo County, where the nonprofit recently added service. C.A.R.E.4Paws is currently about $65,000 shy of the $350,000 price tag for the vehicle, and donations are gladly accepted.
But the organization is also expanding its services in other ways, including its innovative Safe Haven program, which collaborates with Domestic Violence Solutions and other social welfare agencies to aid pet families exposed to domestic violence.
“There was no safety net for pet owners who were stuck in abusive situations because they couldn’t bring their pets to the human shelter to seek safety for themselves,” Gullö explained. “Pets are often used as pawns in abusive situations to control someone from speaking up or from leaving. So they would stay an average of two years longer in an abusive relationship or eventually have to leave their pets behind. Now we are able to kind of bridge that gap with this free, anonymous program so that the human family members can go seek shelter while we take care of their pets until they’re ready to be reunited.”
The program is largely funded by the organizations’ new annual Walk Against Abuse event at Elings Park that debuted last fall to great success as it featured a dog walk through the beautiful park grounds as well as fun activities for both pets and their owners, music, food, and more.
Earlier on the calendar is C.A.R.E.4Paws’ Happy Tails Celebration & Fundraiser, which moves from the virtual world to the Music Academy on Sunday, May 21. The event highlights its work in the community and features heartfelt Happy Tails from some of the many pet owners whose animals have been kept healthy and in their homes. Sponsorships and tickets will be available soon.
Those who want to help other than financially can also give of their time and talents as a volunteer by visiting the C.A.R.E.4Paws. Either way, the nonprofit offers a big bow-wow of gratitude.
Isabelle Gullö, Executive Director
Tel: 805.968.CARE (2273)
Mobile: (805) 637-1892
Donate now!care4paws.org
Executive Director & Cofounder: Isabelle Gullö
C.A.R.E.4Paws works to reduce pet overpopulation, keep animals out of shelters and improve quality of life for pets and pet owners in need.
Begin to Build a Relationship
We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s director of development and/or Executive Director.
C.A.R.E.4Paws and I share a commitment and drive to make a difference!
There are many animal organizations in our area, but what drew me to C.A.R.E.4Paws in the organization’s infancy was cofounders Isabelle Gullo and Carlos Abitia and the dedicated group of volunteers. Their passion and motivation make a big difference in the lives of our four-legged friends.
I support C.A.R.E.4Paws in several areas, including its mobile veterinary clinic, which goes into high-need communities to provide spay/neuter surgeries, medical care, routine vaccinations and other wellness services. I also love the support provided for pet families exposed to domestic abuse through Safe Haven. C.A.R.E.4Paws is truly a grassroots organization with a mission. Its impact has been impressive from day one and it will only grow stronger!
Mobilizing the Clinic
C.A.R.E.4Paws has put a down payment on a brand-new, 37-foot mobile clinic to augment its two existing and old, 26-foot veterinary vehicles, which provide free and low-cost pet wellness services in underserved areas of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties.
The new, larger clinic-on-wheels, slated to start rolling in spring 2023, has increased kennel capacity and the ability to carry more types of vital equipment. This will allow the organization to more efficiently help additional animals over a larger geographical footprint.
C.A.R.E.4Paws is raising the remaining $100,000 of the $350,000 vehicle price tag. Jump on board to help pet families in need!
Key Supporters
Avalan Wealth Management
Chrissie’s Fund
Christopher Harris
Dr. Hildegard H. Balin Charitable Trust
Edwin & Caroline Woods
Edwin and Jeanne Woods
Family Foundation
John and Karen Jostes
Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation
Joel & Vasanti Fithian
La Centra-Sumerlin Foundation
Lee Heller
Lyn Proctor
Manitou Fund
Mary H. Storer Foundation
Mary Jo & Hank Greenberg
Animal Welfare Foundation
May and Bill Allison Foundation
Montecito Bank & Trust
Petco Love
PetSmart Charities
Ron & Elizabeth Ziegler
Roy & Ida Eagle Foundation
Santa Barbara Foundation
Walter & Holly Thomson
Charitable Foundation
Wendy P. McCaw Foundation