Santa Barbara Education Foundation recently elected Karen Dutton to its Board of Directors as Santa Barbara Unified School District teacher […more…]
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It took a little while to reach Sharon Allen of the World Telehealth Initiative (WTI) to arrange an interview last […more…]
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Getting to Know Hillside, the complimentary lunch-and-learn program, returns on Wednesday, February 15. It will continue each month at 12:00 […more…]
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Camp Chit Chat is a fun and socially interactive camp for preschool age children with mild-moderate speech and language delays. […more…]
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Ken Saxon had a clear vision when he founded Leading From Within (LFW), the Santa Barbara nonprofit that supports leaders […more…]
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A Valentine’s Day Message from Family Service Agency “Strengthening your relationship can not only improve your personal happiness, but improve […more…]
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Out of Joint: Joan Tanner is now on view at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, February 12, 2023 – […more…]
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Explore Ecology is looking for environmental heroes to honor at this year’s Earth Day Festival. Do you know someone who […more…]
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Kevin Haeberle, the Santa Barbara native who heads a nonprofit called The Community Hot Rod Project and the self-described “gearhead,” […more…]
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Since 2003, the Santa Barbara Education Foundation has kept the beat for school music programs by raising funds to pay […more…]
Lea másOnline service provides 24/7 treatment for common conditions To help increase access to care, Cottage Health is excited to announce […more…]
Lea másEl servicio en línea que brinda tratamiento de afecciones comunes 24/7 Para aumentar el acceso a la atención médica, Cottage […more…]
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When the seemingly endless series of atmospheric river rainstorms drenched the area last month, people from Santa Barbara, Lompoc, or […more…]
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