SB County Board of Supervisors Approve the Racial Equity Fund

On April 4th, 2023 The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Racial Equity Fund recommendations made by The Fund for Santa Barbara.
The Fund for Santa Barbara would like to thank all who contributed their time to this extensive process. We applaud the County of Santa Barbara for taking concrete steps to address racial inequity in our region, and hope that this partnership initiates a more concerted effort by the County to invest in the most vulnerable and historically marginalized communities in Santa Barbara County. We congratulate the organizations receiving funding and celebrate the work they are carrying out to build a more equitable, just, and inclusive region.
History: The Racial Equity Fund of the County of Santa Barbara (REFCSB) is an initiative that came directly from grassroots organizing by Black Female leaders in Santa Barbara County who demanded that the County of Santa Barbara invest in the Black community in the wake of the killing of George Floyd and the ongoing racial justice movement. The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors (the “County”) passed a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis, made a commitment to racial justice, and pledged
$500,000 to begin to address equity issues in the county. Roughly half of the funds were allocated to internal/institutional County equity development with the remaining funds were distributed through the Fund for Santa Barbara’s (“The FUND”) participatory grantmaking process in collaboration with The County of Santa Barbara. The FUND has a long history through its grant making program of supporting historically marginalized communities to be full participants in our community’s social, civic, and economic life. This funding program aims to build capacity, expand, and/or stabilize historically marginalized organizations in Santa Barbara County. In 2022, the County Board of Supervisors allocated an additional $275,000 to fund a second cycle of the program.
Mission: To invest in and strengthen organizations that address anti-racism
through systems change strategies in Santa Barbara County. This fund aims to effect the culture and policy for systemic change necessary to advance racial equity and justice, and reverse the legacy of slavery and effects of racism in Santa Barbara County.
FundingRecipients: C4 Lompoc Collective Cultures Creating Change – Self Healing Communities -$78,473
Funding will support the implementation and stabilization of the Self Healing Communities project, to engage community, build leadership and self determination and begin to address the unrecognized and untreated trauma in the Lompoc community.
Madi’sTreasureBox-Madi’sTreasureBox(WorldChangerInitiative)– $13,000(Yr1),$13,000(Yr2)
Funding will support the World Changer School Ambassadorship Program which provides multicultural tools to K-5 teachers, and the Santa Ynez Valley Juneteenth Celebration.
NAACP Santa Maria Lompoc 1072 – Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP Racial Equity Projects – Black History Celebration, Juneteenth Celebration, and addressing systemic Racism in Schools in northern Santa Barbara County – $32,500.00 (Yr 1), $32,500.00 (Y r2)
Funding to continue dismantling systems of racism, oppression, and discrimination by addressing systems that perpetuate racism, discrimination and hatred. Funding will support an annual gathering celebrating Black History, Juneteenth Celebration and work in schools addressing racism including the “the N word.”
The Regents of the University of California, Santa Barbara – The Healing Space – $32,138.50 (Yr 1), $32,138.50 (Yr 2)
Funding will support the Healing Space in closing the service gap for Black community members seeking mental healthcare by reducing the cost of therapy services, improving the overall wellness of those seeking care by connecting clients to social services, and building the Black mental health workforce by providing a culturally-affirming training environment for Black psychologists-in-training.
Fund for Santa Barbara
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(805) 962-9164
Development & Communications Manager: Alina Rey Keswani
Advancing progressive changes by strengthening movements for Economic, Environmental, Political, Racial, and Social Justice.
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We appreciate that The FUND not only provides critical funding and tools to local progressive organizations that do the heavy lifting, they demonstrate an understanding of intersectionality and model personal and organizational integrity through their processes. The FUND for Santa Barbara truly walks their talk. We value and continue to support The FUND because of their powerful, challenging, relentless drive to make ours a more just, equitable, and inclusive community.
Help Create and Sustain Systemic Change
Every tax-deductible donation to The Fund helps to advance progressive change by increasing our capacity to build movements for economic, environmental, political, racial, and social justice. Every contribution, no matter the amount, helps us sustain and build on our work.
Our work is only possible because of the support of more than 1,000 donors who make a difference each year.
Key Supporters
Jean Kaplan
Harriet Eckstein & Alan Irwin
Anna DiStefano & Deborah Karoff
David Landecker
Alice O’Connor
Ted Rhodes & Joni Pascal
John & Gloria McManus
Sara Miller McCune
Maryanne Mott
Linda & Dennis Fenton
Natalie Orfalea
Gail Osherenko
Sheila & Jim Davidson
Dick Flacks
Susan Rose
John & Suzanne Steed
Dale Zurawski & Geoff Slaff
Atterbury Foundation
Hutton Parker Foundation
James Bower Foundation
Santa Barbara Foundation
Wood Claeyssens Foundation