Investing in Children Now to Secure a Better Future for All

In the first five years of life, a child’s brain will develop to 90% of its capacity, according to the National Institutes of Health. The neural connections that begin from when a baby is born happen faster than it will ever happen again. The early years of a child’s life are crucial for setting them on a path to a fulfilling future.

That’s where Storyteller Children’s Center comes in, a nonprofit dedicated to making sure that young children have early healthy experiences that build a solid foundation to help them thrive and prosper in life.
Storyteller has been a part of the community since 1988, working as a therapeutic preschool providing high quality early education for children facing adverse challenges. Now they are embarking on their first formal rebrand to expand their work from focusing solely on children to serving entire families.
Executive Director Dr. Gabriella Garcia is at the head of Storyteller’s leadership team, and she’s uniquely qualified for the role, having worked as a case manager and child development specialist at the beginning of her career, as well as dedicating 10 years to the Alzheimer’s Association. She’s seen the whole life continuum, and knows how important early intervention is for the successful social, emotional, and academic development of a child. She also knows how crucial it is to provide resources and comprehensive services for parents and guardians in order to ensure success for the family as a whole.
“Storyteller is a true social change organization. We give families the opportunity and the tools to help change the trajectory of their lives,” says Dr. Garcia.
They do this by providing a supportive, trauma-informed, educational environment for children ages six weeks to five years old and by providing thoughtful wraparound family support services (such as resources for housing insecurity and nutritional meals throughout the day for the children).
“We provide two meals and a snack daily. And that’s often all a child gets to eat in a day. A lot of our families are living in hotels or shelters, and they don’t have kitchen space to cook. They know that while their children are with us, they are safe, cared for, and fed. While families are out looking for work or vocational school, [they] don’t have to worry. As a parent, that is probably the greatest gift,” says Dr. Garcia.
The early investment in children reaps huge rewards. Research by Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman showed that every $1 invested in quality early childhood programs can yield returns between $14 and $16.
The investment in children is an investment for everyone. The huge emphasis on the first five years of a child’s life highlights how important Storyteller is. With the first year of their rebrand approaching, donations and support from the community is more crucial than ever to help them achieve their expansion.
As Dr. Garcia realized in her work at the Alzheimer’s Association, it all comes full circle. Storyteller is making a change today and for the future of our community.
Dr. Garcia sums it up perfectly: “We are helping families rewrite their stories.”
Donate now!
Executive Director: Dr. Gabriella Garcia
(805) 730-0181
Storyteller is a therapeutic preschool that serves children and their families toward “Kindergarten Readiness.”
Storyteller serves Santa Barbara’s poorest families, those living below or close to the poverty guideline and who also meet the Federal definition of homeless. This segment of our community may have difficulty accessing and paying for quality preschool.
Begin to Build a Relationship
We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s Director of Development and/or Executive Director.
Since 2014, it has been an honor to be a member of the Storyteller Board of Trustees and to witness the growth and the impact of this important organization. In my 10 years of involvement, Storyteller has supported 905 children and their families in our community, all of whom face many challenges and adverse experiences. Thanks to the dedication and commitment of the staff and Board, and the generosity of donors, Storyteller graduates are Kindergarten-ready and prepared to thrive.
Support High-Quality Early Childhood Education for Children Facing Tough Challenges
Storyteller’s operational budget serves the therapeutic and trauma-informed curriculums, building the foundation of resiliency that these students will tap into for their entire lives.
It costs about $35,000 to support each student served in Storyteller’s year-round therapeutic program – and 60% needs to come from community contributions and donations. For each student served by Storyteller, they must raise at least $20,000. With the help of The Giving List, they’d like to raise $80,000 for four full scholarships for one year. This amount will help four children build a foundation of social-emotional resiliency, mitigate trauma, and support the family unit in being able to work or attend school.
Key Supporters
Erinn Lynch, Board Co-Chair
Peggy Dodds, MD, Board Co-Chair
Michael C. Wasserman, Vice Chair
Craig Zimmerman, Treasurer
Rachael Stein, Secretary
Gretchen Horn, Governance
Jon Clark
Sharon Kayser
Anna Kokotovic, PhD
Diana Lytel
Patricia Madrigal, PhD
Danna McGrew
Ann Pieramici
Ken Radtkey
Kyra Rogers
Kenny Slaught