The Power of the Match
A tried-and-true method to attract new donors and catalyze existing ones are matching funds. As an example of the efficacy […more…]
Moving the Market: The Ford Foundation’s Mission Investments Program is Showing the Power of the Double Bottom Line
The American tax code favors the generous by offering significant financial benefit to those that give to charity. On the […more…]
Lisa Greer’s Message to Philanthropy: Revolutionize
While she had built a successful career, Lisa Greer wasn’t born into wealth. But when her husband Josh’s company, RealD, […more…]
Money as Medicine
As told to Daniel Heimpel In 2018, a Native American philanthropy professional dropped a bomb on the industry. In his […more…]
‘What Good Is a Platform if You Don’t Use It for Good?’
As told to Daniel Heimpel I have known CNN host Lisa Ling for nearly a decade now. I never saw her […more…]