Mission Scholars

Nonprofits understandably like to make a big deal about anniversaries, noting with pride and gratitude how long they have been […more…]

Supporting High-Achieving, Low-Income Students the Santa Barbara Way

Imagine a kid. He’s your son, and he has big plans. He wants to attend college and launch a startup. […more…]

Mission Scholars

Donate now!

(805) 680-9471
Executive Director: Cassie Lancaster


The founders and staff of Mission Scholars have dedicated their careers to education and specifically to helping promote educational equality among underserved populations.

Begin to Build a Relationship

We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s director of development and/or Executive Director.

Mission Scholars has provided me with the support and empowerment to succeed, not only as a student, but as an individual. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to be a part of this community.
Isabela Contreras, Mission Scholars student, University of Pennsylvania ‘26

Help Exceptional Santa Barbara Students Shoot for the Stars

With 93% of current Scholars enrolled in a four-year university and 85% of their total cost of attendance covered by scholarships, the Mission Scholars model is working. Help keep the momentum going!
This year, Mission Scholars is seeking $225,000 to fund their College Access Program in 2024, which will support 90 local high school students.

When you support Mission Scholars, you are investing in Christian Reyes and his peers: high-performing students who dream of becoming the first in their families to graduate college. Your gift will not only change their lives, but it will also leave a lasting impact on their families and our community.

Key Supporters

Amazon SB
Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Blessing Way Foundation
Bliss Family Foundation
Brittingham Family Foundation
Chumash Foundation
Deckers Brands
Electronic Arts
James S. Bower Foundation
Johnston-Hanson Foundation
La Centra-Sumerlin Foundation
Mosher Foundation
Ruth & Hal Launders
Charitable Trust
Towbes Foundation
Williams-Corbett Foundation