www.whitebuffalolandtrust.org(818) 426-1398Director of Development: Sam Franz Together We Are a Restorative Force Together, we have the opportunity to bring a […more…]
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www.TheSymphony.orgPresident & CEO: Kathryn R. Martin(805) 898-9386 Mission The mission of the Santa Barbara Symphony is to enrich the lives […more…]
Lea máswww.casrf.org/santabarbara(714) 547-7325Executive Vice President and Secretary: Arthur Salazar Mission Help children find their voice. The California Scottish Rite Foundation […more…]
Lea máswww.lafsbc.org(805) 963-6754 x103Executive Director: Jennifer Smith Mission Our mission is to provide high-quality civil legal services to low-income and other […more…]
Lea máswww.fsacares.orgCEO: Lisa Brabo(805) 965-1001 ext. 1240 Mission Our mission is to strengthen and advocate for families and individuals of […more…]
Lea máswww.naturetrack.org(805) 886-2047Founder & Executive Director: Sue Eisaguirre Mission NatureTrack is a 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to provide outdoor […more…]
Lea máswww.cottagehealth.org(860) 569-7290Vice President for Advancement: Andrew Brown Mission To provide superior health care for and improve the health of our […more…]
Lea másSearchDogFoundation.org(805) 646-1015Chief Executive Officer: Rhett Mauck Mission Our mission is to strengthen disaster response in America by rescuing and recruiting […more…]
Lea másdirectrelief.orgVice President, Partnerships and Philanthropy: Dean Axelrod(805) 879-4932 Mission Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 […more…]
Lea mássbclinics.orgDirector of Development and Public Awareness: Maria W. Long(805) 452-5466 Mission Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics provides high quality, comprehensive, affordable […more…]
Lea máswww.sbnbcc.org(805) 963-7777 ext. 144Executive Director: Kristine Schwarz Mission We provide mental health counseling to low-income community members and end homelessness […more…]
Lea máswww.storytellercenter.orgExecutive Director: Dr. Gabriella Garcia(805) 730-0181 Mission Storyteller is a therapeutic preschool that serves children and their families toward “Kindergarten […more…]
Lea máswww.cecsb.org(805) 963-0583CEO: Sigrid Wright Mission The Community Environmental Council (CEC) advances rapid and equitable solutions to the climate crisis – […more…]
Lea másartsandlectures.ucsb.edu(805) 893-3755Senior Director of Development & Special Initiatives: Stacy Cullison Mission To educate, entertain and inspire. Begin to Build a […more…]
Lea mássbma.net(805) 884-6427External Affairs Deputy Director: Susan Bradley Mission The mission of the Santa Barbara Museum of Art is to integrate […more…]
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