Tag Archives: giving

Share the Love for Redwings Redwings Horse Sanctuary

Redwings Horse Sanctuary, a 501(c)3 nonprofit horse rescue in Paso Robles, is having a special event during the month of […more…]

The Ugly Side of Beauty: The Cosmetics Industry’s Plastic Packaging Problem Plastic Pollution Coalition

The cosmetics industry generates approximately US$ 341.1 billion annually—and 120 billion units of plastic packaging, most of which are not […more…]

Feeding the Flock Santa Barbara Bird Sanctuary

The COVID crisis has been quite a challenge for nearly everyone in the world. But for Santa Barbara Bird Sanctuary […more…]

Lisa Greer’s Message to Philanthropy: Revolutionize Lisa Greer’s Message to Philanthropy: Revolutionize

While she had built a successful career, Lisa Greer wasn’t born into wealth. But when her husband Josh’s company, RealD, […more…]

Preserving a Piece of Montecito History Casa del Herrero

Laura Bridley comes by her affinity for Casa del Herrero honestly. A native of Montecito, Bridley has a lot of […more…]

Hospice of Santa Barbara Virtual illuminate Speaker Series Returns with Sharon Salzberg on February 16, 2022 from 6 to 7 pm PDT. Hospice of Santa Barbara

Since 2020, Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) has adjusted to the new realities that come with COVID-19 by creating their […more…]

Love and Care Work Miracles at Redwings Redwings Horse Sanctuary

William was found by Tulare Animal Services tied on a 30-foot chain in the middle of a field in the […more…]

Comprehensive, State-of-the-Art Cancer Care The Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara

The Cancer Center of Santa Barbara was founded 73 years ago based on the simple concept that a city that […more…]

Camp Chit Chat Applications Are Open! RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

Link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYRM7gLiADn6ICahwDOG7eR8m7WKuzj4daAe0R8Vpy9-E0qg/viewform?usp=sf_link Applications due April 15th! What are the camp dates?June 6th to July 28th.  All children […more…]

The Elephant Project Expands to Protect Big Cats, Introduces Oba The Elephant Project

100% of Net Proceeds From The Elephant Project’s Charitable Gift Line Goes Directly to Wildlife Rescue Organizations The Elephant Project, […more…]

Clay Studio Ceramics Class Instagram Giveaway! Clay Studio

Looking for a new creative endeavor in the New Year? Clay Studio is giving away a spot in one of […more…]

Bucket Brigade: Building a Foundation for Local Resilience Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade

The Santa Barbara coastal region has largely escaped any major disasters in the past year, save, of course, for the […more…]

Riviera Ridge Students Raise Funds for CALM to Prevent Childhood Trauma The Riviera Ridge School

Members of The Riviera Ridge School’s Service Brigade elective are hosting a fall Bedtime Drive to support the local non-profit […more…]

Riviera Ridge School Celebrates Innovative Teaching and Learning at Genius Night The Riviera Ridge School

The Riviera Ridge School welcomed families to campus in December for an evening of teacher presentations, workshops, and interactive experiences […more…]

Racial Equity Fund of Santa Barbara County in partnership with The Fund for Santa Barbara Fund for Santa Barbara

On Tuesday January 11th, 2022, Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved moving forward with Racial Equity Fund of […more…]

Tina McEnroe Appointed to UC Santa Barbara Foundation Board of Trustees McEnroe Reading and Language Arts Clinic

For over 15 years the Gevirtz School has been chronicling the ever-growing accomplishments of Tina McEnroe, M.A., L.H.D. (h.c.). She […more…]

Charles Fenzi, CEO/CMO of the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics, to Retire Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics

Dr. Charles Fenzi has served as Chief Medical Officer for the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics (SBNC) for nearly a decade, […more…]

NatureTrack Demonstrates How Wheelchair Users Can Get Back to Nature with Freedom Trax – Giving All Access on the Beach a New Look NatureTrack

On the second Sunday of every month, NatureTrack, whose mission is to connect kids to nature is collaborating with Explore […more…]

Awards Coming in for NatureTrack New Documentary “The Accessible Outdoors” NatureTrack

The Accessible Outdoors, the new short live action documentary presented by Golden Cage Films and NatureTrack Foundation is taking on […more…]

Alzheimer’s Association: Providing Care, Support, and Research for Patients and Caregivers The Alzheimer’s Association

The statistics on Alzheimer’s Disease are staggering. Someone in the United States develops the devastating disease every 65 seconds. More […more…]

Beyond Christmas Unity: No Off-Season for Food and Services Unity Shoppe

It might seem like bad timing to be writing about Unity Shoppe in the last week of the year, considering […more…]