Tag Archives: schools

McEnroe Reading and Language Arts Clinic McEnroe Reading and Language Arts Clinic

There are a number of reading programs for students in Santa Barbara, including several administered by nonprofits. Tina Hansen McEnroe […more…]

Mission Scholars Nabs Its Second Gates Scholar in Three Years Santa Barbara Education Foundation

Last month, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation selected Santa Barbara High School senior Larry Bermudez as a recipient of […more…]

Mentors 4 College Kicks Off “Diversity 1000” Expansion Program Mentors 4 College

Mentors 4 College, a unique, one-to-one college mentoring program for high school students and their parents, announced today that it […more…]

Learning Reflections of Participating Youth in our Maritime Literacies Program McEnroe Reading and Language Arts Clinic

Community Based Literacies in the Schools This video is a multimodal, melodic synthesis of a reflection activity that our Harding […more…]

Building a More Equitable UC Santa Barbara Building a More Equitable UC Santa Barbara

Other than a brief stint in New York City in 1989, Katya Armistead has spent almost her entire adult life […more…]

‘When We Get the Word Out, They Respond’ Santa Barbara Education Foundation

It took a while for anyone to realize that there was something strange about so many cars filling the parking […more…]

Blazing A Needed Trail for Reading Success McEnroe Reading and Language Arts Clinic

When she talks about education, Tina Hansen McEnroe likes to invoke Irish poet W. B. Yeats: “Education is not the […more…]

Getting into the Ideal College: A Reality for Everyone Mentors 4 College

Anne was a senior at Hollywood High School hoping to become a veterinarian. But the daughter of a single mom […more…]

Wish Upon a Montecito Star: MUS Fundraiser Gets Help from a Legend Montecito Union School Foundation

Saturday, May 22 will be a very exciting evening for Montecito Union kids, parents, and the greater community, as Montecito […more…]

SB Education Foundation Santa Barbara Education Foundation

Santa Barbara Education Foundation Executive Director Margie Yahyavi was reluctant to have her office visible during our Zoom call last […more…]

Montecito Union School’s Nature Lab Offers Limitless Potential Montecito Union School Foundation

At the southern end of Montecito Union School lies a 2.5-acre property with nearly limitless potential. After a school-wide visioning […more…]

Virtual Event: Santa Barbara Unified School District State of Our Schools with Hilda Maldonado Santa Barbara Education Foundation

WHO: SBUSD Superintendent Hilda Maldonado will share the status of the district’s schools.  WHAT: Santa Barbara Unified School District State […more…]

Latest on School Reopening One805 | Prepare • Equip • Support

In addition to the majority of the business sector permitted to reopen indoors with modifications earlier this week, most county […more…]